About Italy

Italy is a country which is home to one of the richest civilizations of the world. It has a population of 61 million. The Mediterranean climate, the panoramic landscape and the architectural marvels have made Italy the fifth most visited country in the world.
It is home to world famous brands such as Gucci, Versace, Fiat, Armani and sports car Ferrari originated.
Italy is one of the four nations that first engaged the “European Area of higher Education.” This started the Bologna Process, which is followed by educational Institutions all over the world till today. Italy was ranked as having the second best health care system and health care performance in the world. It places the country sixth in the world for life expectancy.

Italy is the 8th largest economy in the world with a very high per capita income of US$ 35,665. It boasts of a very high standard of living and has the highest life expectancy in Europe. This beautiful country has one of the best climatic conditions in Europe and in the world.

Studying in Italy

Italy gives red carpet reception to International students and visitors. Italians are very approachable and warm. They treat foreigners with respect. The Italian outgoing nature will also help to make friends and feel more at home and less isolated while living so far from home. They have a take-it-easy approach to life. It has more world heritage sites than in any other country in the world.

Italian Universities focus on the integration of students into the social, academic and cultural environment. Research is given top priority to connect graduates to the industry.

Employability of students is given utmost importance by Italian universities. The curriculum is linked with the industry to ensure that the students are exposed to the job sectors. Theoretical learning is balanced with practical application to make Italian graduates most sought after by the industry.

Students Visa Requirements

NOTE: This Embassy reserves the right to ask for a Personal Interview or Additional Documents.

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