About Latvia

Latvian education is world class and it offers higher education in different fields ranging from social sciences to Medicine. It is a high income country with very high Human Development Index. It is also a member of European Union. It has the second highest number of students proportionate to the size of population in the world. The Latvian policy of science and technology set out the long term goal – transition from labor-consuming economy to knowledge-based economy. By 2020 the government aims at a 1.5% GDP funding for research and development, with half of the investments coming from the private sector.

Latvia develops their scientific potential on the basis of the existing scientific traditions, particularly in organic chemistry, medical chemistry, genetic engineering, physics, materials science and information technologies. The highest numbers of inventions, which are patented both nationwide and abroad, are made in the branch of medical chemistry.

It ranked 1st in the Environmental Performance Index and 4th in the Sustainable Society Index in 2012. Moreover, according to speedtest.net Latvia has one of the fastest Internet download and upload speeds in the world with an average download speed of 46.5 Mbit/s and upload speed of 43.7 Mbit/s.

Studying in Latvia

Latvia offers wide range of graduate and post graduate courses in English. Being a member of Europian Union, Latvian qualifications are considered as European Union qualifications and thereby internationally recognised. Education in Latvia follows American credit system. Latvian institutions have state of the art facilities meeting international standards.

Another advantage of studying in Latvia is that students can work for upto 20 hours a week. This helps foreign students to meet their daily expenses. All post graduate programs have paid internships .The cost of living is moderate and the course fees are affordable. Moreover, medical insurance is provided by the Government of Latvia. Accomodation is often provided on campus.

Latvia is a Schengen country and so students can travel within the area during their course of study. IELTS is not mandatory provided the student has good command in English. Another attraction is that spouse is allowed to work full time.Students have ample opportunities to explore extra curricular activities.

Academic higher education in Latvia follows the Bologna system and is divided into three levels: bachelor’s studies, master’s studies, and doctoral studies. A Bachelor degree is received after three or four years of study, while a master’s degree lasts one or two years.

Students Visa Requirements

Visa and residence permit

Certificates of qualifications by foreign students must be submitted for analysis to the Academic Information Centre, where it is evaluated and decided whether it is valid in Latvia.

Visas and residence permits for foreign students are acquired as part of the application and enrolment process. If the assessment of the foreign qualification by the Academic Information Centre is positive, and the enrolment application is accepted, the university contacts the Office of Citizenship and Migration Affairs (OCMA) to apply for a 3-month entry visa for citizens of countries who require a visa.

Upon arrival, a residence permit is applied for by the university on behalf of the foreign student for the course period.

Documents Required

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